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The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and The Horse | Book Corner

This beautifully illustrated book follows the journey of a boy, a mole, a fox and a horse who engage in deeply meaningful conversations from their different perspectives and experiences. The four characters meet and journey together through many obstacles and challenges and share important life lessons around hope, vulnerability, kindness and friendship. A timely and yet timeless collection of uplifting notes on existence, The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and The Horse is a book that will stay with you for many years to come.

The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and The Horse

Written and illustrated byCharlie Mackesy


Age range: 2+ years

12 Jan 2022

What we love about the book

As heartwarming as it is philosophical, this unique tale is a page turner that you will find yourself diving into time and time again. Wisdom pours from its pages in abundance, all in digestible pieces, making it a book that appeals to young and old alike and, indeed, a book to be shared between the generations.

Why it should be on your bookshelf

-   The book is a collection of unrivalled wisdom that is both accessible and relatable to people of all ages.

-   Timeless in its appeal, the book can be shared between generations and provides a talking point for cross-generational discussion.

-   A heartwarming and uplifting message of hope that is particularly poignant during the current pandemic.

Q&A with Charlie Mackesy

Why did you decide to write The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and The Horse?

I don’t think I ever decided to write the book. It seemed to drip feed from somewhere within me over a year and a half. My inspiration for the book was probably a desire to say things that I thought really mattered. I think in my life I’ve often felt frustrated with conversations that don’t really touch on anything important. Many people said it wouldn’t make a book because there is no real narrative, but in the end, I realised that the narrative was the continual conversation they seemed to be having. The book was as much a journey of my own, as the journey the four characters went on. When it was finally printed in physical form, I was as surprised as anybody. I still look at it and feel quite amazed. I’ll always be grateful for the honest friends I have, who helped me write it.

What parts of you, and all of us, does each animal represent?

All different parts of us. The Boy is the child in us that questions everything, the Horse is the wise, deep soul of us, the Fox represents the bit of us that’s been hurt and is shy because of it, and the Mole is the bit of us that’s very hungry for everything – particularly things that we can get a taste for. So they all represent different parts of us, or me.

Why do you believe your work is so popular? What about it do you feel resonates with people?

I have been continually surprised. I hear from people; they write to me and email me with their stories and experiences with reading the book. So possibly, my work helps people communicate with each other about what they fear and how much they need each other and sometimes when it’s said in a picture, it’s easier somehow. For me it continues to be a monumental privilege that I could have helped anyone at all in such a way.

Who is the book for, and what do you hope readers will take away from it?

I mentioned in the introduction that the book is for anyone, whether they are eight or eighty, but what I did not expect was that eighty-year-olds would be reading it alongside their eight-year-old grandchildren. For me this is the dream. I think what I enjoy most, is when I hear from people who have interpreted the book in a way that I had not intended. They find messages in it and understand it in ways that are unique to them. I think obviously there is an emphasis on kindness, connection, shared vulnerability, humour, that kind of thing and I also hope that in these times it encourages people to worry less about the storm and the big things that are out of their control and focus more on the people they really love. If I had to answer that question directly, I hope they would feel kinder, braver and more hopeful.

All images extracted from The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse by Charlie Mackesy (Ebury Press, £16.99)

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