Win a Banwood First Go Bike

Thanks to our friends at Banwood, this limited-edition balance bike could be yours, just in time for spring. Budding cyclists will love the vintage-style print, designed in collaboration with French brand BONTON, and the wicker basket is perfect for all their essentials. What’s more, the bike also comes with a matching helmet.

Product Details

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У вас есть шанс выиграть, если вы введёте свои данные ниже для участия в розыгрыше. Конкурс заканчивается 23 March 2023 в 11:59pm GMT, и победителя выберут наудачу с уведомлением по e-mail. Доступно только для жителей UK.

Banwood’s First Go Balance Bikes are certified for children between 3–5 years.

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