
How to Make your own Christmas Wreath | DIY

Create your very own Christmas wreath with our step-by-step guide from creative sensation, Becki Clark. Becki is a multidisciplinary creative designer and author based in the New Forest. Inspired by nature’s flora and fauna and seasonality, Becki’s signature style lends itself to a vast range of projects from botanical painting and brush lettering to surface pattern design. She is continually inspired by the changing seasons and loves to create work and craft projects that reflect her love of nature.

Instead of buying a wreath this Christmas, try making your own to decorate your front door or hang inside your home. A unique and cost effective way to spruce up your home for the festive season, Becki’s guide is easy to follow and allows so much room for tailoring it to your personal preferences and colour scheme.

8 Dec 2021

What you will need to make your Christmas Wreath

– Leafy foliage (this can be foraged or bought from a florists/wholesalers). You’ll need a base foliage and then stems of berries and other foliage. I’ve used a mix of Eucalyptus, Olive, Rosemary, Berried Ivy, Holly and Hypericum berries


– Wire base


– Selection of ribbons


– Floristry wire


– Scissors

How to make a Christmas Wreath 


Begin cutting your base foliage down to smaller stems that are around the length of the diameter of your wreath and group  them together to create mini bunches


Secure your foliage together with wire at the bottom, wrapping wire around the stems and leaving excess lengths on both ends. Using these lengths, attach to the wreath base.


Work your bunches around the wreath base until the full circle is completely covered, securing your bunches of foliage heading in the same direction to create movement around your wreath base. As well as using the wire to secure you can weave the bunches in and out of the wire frame to cover and create a full looking base.


Next, gather bunches of your other foliages, berries or flowers and again make small bunches. These should have an element of difference from the base of the wreath foliage so that they sit on ‘another layer’. Secure them with wire at the bottom.


  • Attach onto your foliage base with your bunches pointing outwards from the middle of the circle.


Keep working around the wreath attaching your mini bunches to create a full and fluffy looking circle.


Take your ribbon and cut different lengths in the different colours, tie bows and attach around the wreath. You can either attach by pulling a length of wire through the tie of the bow and then attaching this to the base or you can tie directly onto the wreath. I’d recommend one of those options if you are hanging the wreath outside to make sure they are secure. However, if you are hanging inside to decorate, you can also drape the bowls over the stems.

All images by Becki Clark

Follow Becki | Website | Instagram

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